The EMPORIA4KT project is offering a comprehensive training and mentoring programme for Blue Economy researchers to enhance their skills in innovation and technology transfer. This programme will provide training and mentoring to participants to equip them with vital knowledge transfer (KT) skills for their future careers in Blue Economy innovation and will also provide valuable networking opportunities.
Participants will learn how to direct Research and Development towards market, industry, and private and public investment. They will also explore how to de-risk the Early Stage Technology (EST) development process and how to make ESTs more attractive to investment at an early stage of development.
The programme will be divided into two phases. The first phase will consist of 3 to 5 days of online workshops (March 2021) when researchers will receive training in skills related to innovation and technology transfer activities. The second phase consists of a 9-month mentoring programme (April – December 2021), during which participants will meet at three face to face events in each participating country, in addition to regular online meetings via virtual collaboration tools. Within national-based teams of four people, participants will determine the best commercialisation routes for real case studies of Early Stage Technologies in the Blue Economy. Each team will receive support from experienced EMPORIA4KT project partners and mentors in relevant academic and industry fields of the Blue Economy.
Three teams in each participating country will present at a national level, and the team with the best performance will represent their country in the EMPORIA4KT final international event in Brussels. At this final event, the five nationally selected teams will pitch their commercialisation plan for their Early Stage Technology, to an audience of industry, public bodies, private investors and peers. The EST pitch will be followed by a brokerage event, providing the opportunity for networking and KT collaborations. The remaining national ESTs will be presented by poster at this international event.
The EMPORIA4KT project plans to raise additional funding for proof-of-concept studies for the winning EST.
The EMPORIA4KT Blue Economy Technology Transfer Programme will accept 12 Blue Economy researchers per country.
Costs: There are no fees for the mentoring programme or the phase 1 online workshop. Travel costs for attending the three national events that will take place during the 9-month mentoring programme in phase 2 will be covered by EMPORIA4KT. Accommodation will also be covered if necessary. All other meetings and collaborations will be conducted online. Travel costs for the teams selected to attend the international event will also be covered by EMPORIA4KT.
Time commitment: Attendance at the phase 1 online workshops and the phase 2 three national events is essential. Travel to the EMPORIA4KT final international event will be essential if you are part of the team selected to represent your country. Participants will also have approximately two meetings per month with their group and will have follow-up tasks to complete in relation to these meetings. It is expected the time commitment for meetings and follow-up work will be 10 to 15 hours per month for each researcher. Candidate interviews (if necessary) are expected to be conducted from October 21st to October 23rd 2020.
Criteria and Requirements: To view the requirements and criteria please select your country below: