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Required qualifications, skills and mandatory criteria:

  • PhD student or PhD holder for 3 or less years;

  • Researcher working at a Higher Education Institution or Research Centre;

  • Research activities related with, or with application in the fields identified below (with no special order or priority of interest):

    • Maritime and Coastal Tourism

    • Marine living resources

    • Port activities

    • Shipping building and repair

    • Maritime transport

    • Renewable Marine Energy and Offshore Wind Technology

    • Marine Biotechnology and innovation

    • Desalination

    • Maritime knowledge, Spatial Planning and Integrated Surveillance

    • Environmental and coastal protection

  • Interested in innovation and knowledge transfer activities

  • Involved in activities of research and development of early stage technologies


How to apply?

To apply, please complete the application here and send the application form with your CV and a short description of your motivation to participate in the program.

Please view the flyer - English or Spanish version, for your applicable country for information on language requirements. 


Applications open: 1st September 2020


Deadline for applications: 30th October 2020


More information:

CEIMAR along with the other Spanish consortium members, CTA and CENTA, will develop the Blue Economy Technology Transfer programme as an essential instrument that will provide an academy, industry and public policy approach, to establish channels and tools that facilitate research results to be transferred more easily to the market through the collaboration between the triple helix actors as Blue Economy Drivers.

With a global vision, the programme, meets the extensive experience in technology transfer and innovation in the Blue Economy and other areas, from the Spanish consortium. By leading, CEIMAR has a large background as academic, scientific, cultural, research, and innovative point of knowledge,  promoting training and research of excellence in marine-maritime field contributing to the knowledge transfer.

CEIMAR has taken part in several successful initiatives relating to this area, including the 1st International meeting on knowledge and Blue Growth INNOVAZUL, an international conference on innovation of the Blue Economy sectors’. CEIMAR also works on national technology transfer projects such as ITEAzul, a knowledge transfer singular project on actions for the Empowerment of the Blue Economy in Andalusia.

In this sense, the Spanish consortium will provide experienced mentors with skills in innovation, Knowledge transfer and policy, who the selected researchers will regularly engage with and learn from.


Contact details:

Eva Mena -CEIMAR

+34 618 367 791


Project code: EAPA_842/2018.
Project funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund.


This site reflects only the views of the project partners, the Atlantic Area programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

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Lead Partner:

NOVA School of Science and Technology

Campus da Caparica, 2825-516

Caparica, Portugal 

©2023 by EMPORIA4KT

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